News item28-06-2022 | 17:01
Research of the department of Science and Education of the Netherlands Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology shows that there is room for improvement in the use of the VERA-2R.
Violent extremism risk assessments of individuals suspected or convicted of terrorism play an important role in legal decisions, in prison and probation settings, and in inter-professional risk collaboration. Informal and formal clinical practice evaluations, in the form of practitioners feedback and standardised evaluation of professional violent extremism risk reports are needed to gain insight in the use and quality of violent extremism risk assessments (Duits et al., 2012; Duits et al., 2017; Logan & Sellers, 2021). Therefore, we examined how the VERA-2R is used in violent extremism risk reports across different judicial contexts within three countries (Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands). Results showed that the formulation of violent extremism risk scenarios, risk management and violent extremism risk advice on interventions and monitoring need to be improved.
Report Evaluating Risk Analysis in Practice: User Validation of the VERA-2R