News item21-02-2023 | 09:46
Research of the department of Science and Education of the Netherlands Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology has looked into which VERA-2R indicators may be unique for committing a terrorist crime.
The fight against terrorism remains important in Europe and also specifically in the Netherlands. An evidence-based approach and identification of risk factors for terrorist offending is essential.
In this study we examined which VERA-2R indicators may be unique for committing a terrorist crime by comparing a research group of terrorist offenders with a control group of regular violent offenders. By using a control group, stronger evidence was provided for those risk factors specifically associated with violent extremism and terrorism. The research was carried out on the basis of primary data from the European Database of Terrorist offenders (EDT). This study is relevant for an improved and validated risk assessment of violent extremists and terrorists and for effective policy in the field of counterterrorism.
The study showed that most indicators from the investigated VERA-2R domains are indeed specific for terrorist perpetrators.
Vergelijking risicokenmerken tussen terrorismeplegers en geweldplegers